United Women in Faith
The organized unit of United Methodist Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is: To know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ. To develop a creative supportive fellowship. To expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Our Women’s group meets every 2nd Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the church.
Our Women’s Group has many mission and outreach activities ongoing. We support our local Day Reporting Center. A meal is taken into them monthly. We work closely with DHHR at Christmastime to provide food baskets and gifts for the shut-ins and elderly in our community. We support our local Food Pantry that is located at the Presbyterian Church. We support the Faltis Shelter, a place of safety for children. We also work with our men’s group during the Potato Festival. We support the SOZO Recovery House (sozorecoverywv.com) in our community as well.
We work to help regional missions such as the House of the Carpenter (houseofthecarpenter.com), Scott’s Run Settlement House (srsh.org), Mary’s Cradle (maryscradle.com), Heart and Hand House (heartandhandhouse.org) and Children’s Home Society (childhswv.org).
Our women also work at many activities within our Church. We host congregational dinners. We host a choir appreciation dinner in honor of our choir, and a pastor appreciation dinner in honor of our pastor. We supply light breakfasts and lunches for various group who may use our Church facility for district and parish meetings. We often supply lunches or dinners for families who have laid to rest a loved one so they can have a family time of sharing and fellowship in our Church Fellowship Hall following the funeral.
We also get together occasionally for a good “spring cleaning” of the church’s kitchen and nursery. We have fund raisers, such as yard sales or hot dog luncheons. In the fall, along with the United Methodist Men, we make apple butter to sell. These are times of wonderful fellowship and enjoyed by all who help out.