We have a list of common questions to assist you with your first visit to our church. Scroll below to find questions with a drop down menu for response.
If you have specific questions, please contact the church office;
304-872-3221. 9 am- 11:30 am.
We look forward to having you worship with us.
10am - An informal bible study for adults and children. See usher for more information.
11am - Worship service is held in the main sanctuary. This is a traditional service which includes: congregational hymns,prayer requests, scripture reading, and pastoral prayer. The pastor's message offers scripture backed message related to today's world.
We have an awesome Choir that is a true blessing of voices during our service.
We offer children's message church during worship, and then a children's activity in fellowship hall during the remainder of the Service. Your children are most welcome to stay during worship. See usher for more information upon arrival.
Everyone is welcome to take communion at the Lord's table. We offer bread and juice, or disposable elements if you choose, as well as gluten free wafers.
During worship service a collection plate is passed throughout the congregation. This offering is used to provide community mission projects, maintenance and operation of our Church. This is a freewill collection.
Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and during special services through the year, such as Christmas and Easter season.
There is plenty of parking space next to the church building.
We are located on 1315 Webster Road. The church is located next to Hardees Restaurant.
Simple, contact the pastor to find out the procedures to join! 304-872-3221 Monday thru Friday 9 am-11:30am.
Yes, our pastor can contact your previous church and request transfer of membership or you can contact them on your own. Normally, a simple letter of your desire to transfer makes the process easier. Call the church office Monday through Friday from 9am-11:30am at 304-872-3221.
Casual attire is fine. We welcome all to attend our worship service.
Pastor: Rev. Dan Lowther
Cell phone: 304-642-0897
email: dclowther@gmail.com
Office phone: 304-872-3221
Monday through Friday 9- 11:30 am
Church email:
1315 Webster Road
Summersville, WV 26651
Yes of course.
Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
1315 Webster Road
Summersville, WV 26651
Yes, we offer two opportunities for live presentation of Sunday morning worship.
Facebook livestream: Click Here
Radio: 92.9 FM Summersville radio.
Yes, we are truly blessed to have an awesome music program within our Church. We have a very talented organist and pianist to accompany the Choir. The choir voices are a true blessing as a part of the service.
If you are interested in joining our Choir, see one of the Choir members or pastor.
We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.